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Educating for Self-Governance

Explore our Design Framework

Each lesson and activity developed by the Bill of Rights Institute explores how the Founding principles built into the Constitution allowed the American people to protect and advance freedom and opportunity for all.

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Think the Vote

Engage your students in current events debates with students from across the country. Help them build argumentation, critical thinking skills, and deepen their knowledge of the civic issues around them. Debates are hosted bi-weekly throughout the school year and prizes are awarded to students who have the best answers on either side.

See the Debates

MyImpact Challenge

Students exercise civic skills every day when they impact their communities. Help them get the recognition they deserve for their service-learning projects, community service projects, faith-community or club service projects. This school-year contest is open to students aged 13-19 and boasts over $40,000 in prize money.

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Additional Resources

Featured Videos

Our short, classroom-ready videos can be used for warm-up or review and can easily be assigned as homework through your Learning Management System or through our student app!

Educator Support

Use our videos, online PD courses, and classroom-ready tools to support the instruction you provide to your students.