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Should Students Have Broader Free Speech Rights at School?

84.3% yes
15.8% no

Freedom of speech is a bedrock constitutional principle, but debates continue over what limits, if any, should be placed on it. In the landmark case of Tinker v. Des Moines (1969), the Court ruled that student free speech rights do not stop when they enter school grounds. Since that decision, the Court has dealt with specific cases to further carve out scenarios where students do and do not have the right to say what they wish.  As students return to class, a perennial question will continue to be discussed: should students have greater free speech rights at school?  

Those who argue that students should have greater free speech rights at school argue that students are not able to sufficiently express themselves currently. They argue that teenagers at school should be able to have similar free speech rights as adults do. This side tends to believe that allowing greater free speech will help students to become better citizens in a self-governing country. 

Those who argue that students should not have greater free speech rights at school argue that the focus of school should be on learning, and that expanding free expression will have a detrimental impact. They contend that too much free speech will lead to turmoil in the classroom. This side tends to believe that teachers and administrators need to be given priority so that a stable classroom can help students become better citizens in a self-governing country. 

So, what do you think? Should Students Have Broader Free Speech Rights at School? Students can answer Yes, they should; No, they should not; or a nuanced answer in-between! Be sure to submit your answers by September 12th to have it considered for this week’s contest. 

Reading materials

Current Standings

Danica from Missouri voted yes

Voting yes for broader free speech rights for students in schools is essential to fostering an environment of open dialogue and critical thinking. Students should be encouraged to express their…

Rylee from Missouri voted no

The First Amendment has existed for hundreds of years, but the question of what can be said at school has been limited. This policy has worked for many years and…

Jaxon from Missouri voted yes

Should Students Have Broader Free Speech Rights at School? I believe students should have a right to express their beliefs, either by speech or the clothing they wear. My opinion…

Alyssa from Missouri voted no

I vote no because kids and teenagers nowadays have a lot of opinions and their knowledge of the world is a lot brighter which means so is their vocabulary, such…

Miley from Missouri voted yes

I think Students should have border-free speech. I feel students are getting held down by not getting to express their opinions. If we can't even have silent protests like the…

Jacob from Missouri voted no1 reply

Students should not have a broader free speech rights. I believe this because school is a place of learning not expressing opinion. Schools need to limit the amount students can…

Lukia from Missouri voted yes

Should students have broader free speech rights? I think students should be allowed to express themselves and their thoughts, although, I do agree that there is a risk of students…

solomon from Georgia voted no

I vote no because kids have so much freedom and You still see them get in fights at school ,they argue against the teacher and if we give them more…

Jaida from Missouri voted yes

I do feel that students should have broader free speech rights at school. We are told that school is a place where we can be ourselves and express ourselves, but…

James from Florida voted no

Free speech among students is widely protected; but exceptions include foul language, discriminatory statements, and political statements published in school sponsored communications or papers. Many may argue that a public…

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