Should the Supreme Court Have Term Limits?

When the Framers drafted the Constitution, they created a judiciary branch where justices would serve for life. In recent years, there has been growing support for a change in the constitutional system to create term limits for members of the Supreme Court.
Those who argue that the Supreme Court should have term limits argue that the current system is not democratic. They contend that Justices can be on the Court for many decades, and that this means they do not always represent the political beliefs of the people at any given time. They claim that term limits will help make the process of appointing Justices to the bench less partisan as the stakes will be lower when both parties know the appointee will serve for a limited time.
Those who argue that the Supreme Court should not have term limits, and should serve lifetime appointments, argue that making this change would harm our constitutional system. They claim that lifetime appointments ensure that judges can make judgements free from external pressures and remain more detached from the passions and whims of the people. They contend that a system with increased turnover of judges would make appointments more partisan, not less, because the Court would reflect the cycles of politics. They also argue that tying the Court closer to political elections, would reduce the legitimacy of the institution in the eyes of Americans.
So, what do you think? Should the Supreme Court Have Term Limits? Students can answer Yes, it should; No, it should not; or a nuanced answer in between! Be sure to submit your answers by October 10th to have a chance at winning this week’s contest.
Current Standings
The Supreme Court should not have term limits. This is because the lack of term limits is what makes that branch able to do what it needs to do to…
I feel that 50-80 year olds should not be running a country that they most likely won't be in for long, their acts and passings of laws and what not…
The founders made life time appointments for SCOTUS justices to avoid them being pressured to decide cases based on a threat of losing their jobs. Which now we watch the…
Yes, the Supreme Court should implement term limits. The Supreme Court consists of people in their 60s and 70s even though most human’s mental peak is around 30 years old.…
I believe that term limits would be detrimental to the mission of the Supreme Court. Throughout the history of the United States, the judiciary has served as an independent institution…
I voted yes because allowing limited terms allows for other influences in the Senate. Also, as the United States ages and more things are becoming prevalent, it allows the Senate…
When in charge of some of the most important debates in our country, the last thing a Supreme Court Justice should be thinking about is how popular they are. As…
I think terms should be limited for the Supreme Court. Ideas and thoughts would go stale. When the same person holds the same power and place on the bench, they…
No, the Supreme Court Justices should not have term limits. I believe that the implication of term limits for Supreme Court Justices will lead to a loss of the non-partisan…
Every other position in government has a term limit, except for the supreme court. It unfairly gives the judges more power that they get to run for their entire lives.…